Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Truth Hurts, Lies Kill. The Real Truth Behind the Phony Wars by Dr. Dahlia Wasfi

We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.(Kofi Annan) Thousands of Americans and over 1.5 Million Muslims have been murdered so far and Millions more have been injured and dying. Reality of the Phony wars in the name of Democracy, Freedom, terrorism. NOW The Oil Thirsty Liars, their secret agenda and their crimes are being exposed; Corrupt Politicians, Profiteers, Cooperative greedy culture, world domination by any means possible; Barbarism, false flagging, accusing others of having Weapons of Mass Destructon while allowing criminal Zionist state like Israel to keep building then lying and denying. No, No, NO, no more of this crap. People are waking up from the mass hypnotism by the Criminal Media companies ( CNN, Fox, Sky, BBC, ABC and other main stream Zionist Pleasers and Guardians of the Murderers, Real Terrorists, Liars and thugs.
Just in the Shadow of False flag (9/11) They Murdered over 1.5 million Muslims and Thousands of Americans so far and still counting. Enogh is enogh !!! Stop the Barbarism in the name of American People for the benefit of your own Greed, oil, Israeli or Zionists' wishes or any other henious criminal agendas.
We Are Not Stupids And Irresponsible Anymore !!!
"We have an obligation to every last victim to this illegal aggression because all of this carnage has been done in our names. Rise up Against the Real Terrorists and Organized Criminals for the survival of Humanity.!!!

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