Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Get ready for unemployment says Labor man

It's going to happen, and soon. And it will be deeper and longer if the carbon tax gets in. REgardless of what you think of Liberal, Labor, Greens etc., this one issue is a back-breaker for Australia. If we let this in, we are dead in the water. Please, please, consider working against and voting against the Green-Labor coalition as a life priority. It will be too late once it's in, and you see devastation around you, to repeal it.

We need government to be accountable to the people. If Green-Labor is not prepared to be accountable, they should be all accounts give way to an elected body that will!
Steve B
From: Swan, Jenny (Sen B. Joyce)
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 11:36 AM
Subject: Media Release- Labor's man in waiting tells workers to embrace the challenge of unemployment

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)
Senator Barnaby Joyce

Shadow Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Water

Leader of The Nationals in the Senate

LNP Senator for Queensland
29 July 2011
Labor's man in waiting tells workers to embrace the challenge of unemployment
Well, Julia Gillard is certainly not wearing out her stilettos but, by gosh, Simon Crean seems to have more zest at the moment than a juicy new season lemon.
While the Prime Minister has kept close to Canberra and Melbourne, Simon has been to Geelong, Rockhampton and Queanbeyan.
Pray tell, what is he up to? What has inspired this youthful exuberance?
Mind you it doesn't matter who is riding this donkey, it's not going to win the Cup.
If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious but Simon Crean's message to the regions is that they should "embrace the challenge" of meeting the house payments with social security.
Simon Crean told Rockhampton radio the other day:
All of this embracing is starting to make me feel awkward.
First of all, compensation requires first something to go wrong and the thing that is going to go wrong is your electricity bill or your job.
No one gets paid compensation without first being inflicted by an injury.
Regional Australia is about to have to deal with a new independent, unelected government body, the Climate Change Authority, like the Reserve Bank. The Reserve Bank might put up interest rates; the Climate Change Authority will definitely put up your taxes.
They can do this without any more legislation being passed after the introduction of the carbon tax.
Not only do we have taxation without representation, we are going to the brave new world of taxation without legislation.
This will be enforced by a new battalion of green police, the Climate Change Regulator. Rather than the Keystone Cops we will have Australia's own Tombstone Regulators, they will give new meaning to that famous line from the western movie ... Regulators, mount up!

More Information-Matthew Canavan 0458 709433

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