Sunday, October 20, 2013

BRICS is a cooperative of nations seeking to balance world economics?

Well, maybe. The currency reserve they intend to set up is for themselves primarily, but they do want to be a counter balance to the affluent western nations. Me thinks this is good. Whilst there is no proof the NWO is not firmly installed in any part of Brazil, Russia, India, China or South Africa ; the opposite is probable - that the NWO has a very firm hold on the westernised 'G' (G10) countries

posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The rumblings in South America

Let's hope the rumblings don't turn into A South American Spring with wholesale change of governments. Hindsight tells us that there was more at work than meets the eye in the Arab Spring, and media influenced change in this region could see NWO interests securing power before anyone realises what has really happened. I hope Occupy and lime minded civil rights people seize the day
. uronews
Brazil – More demos

posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Russia, Snowden & USA tactics

Russia and Privacy Laws - 1,700 Russian websites on strike

1,700 Russian websites on strike against new anti-piracy law

Published: Aug 1, 2013, 06:07 PM

Over 1,700 websites in the Russian internet have joined an online strike against the new anti-piracy legislation, which came into force on Thursday, allowing pre-trial blocking of web-pages.
The content of the websites, taking part in the action, was unavailable to the users for the day.

Their front pages were blanked, only containing messages denouncing the law and links to the petition demanding to call off the legislation.

All of your favorite websites, including, may also be BLOCKED, the text on the music website front page said., popular online encyclopedia focused on Internet subcultures, folklore and memes, informed that its closed on the decision of Roskomnadzor (Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications).

"Thats roughly how Roskomnadzor will act after being armed with the new law. One may try to protest and sign petitions or just enjoy the ride, the message explained.

Russias biggest e-mail service,, wasnt closed on the day, but also spoke out against the law. The website placed a banner on its main page, leading to a blog post, which described its views on the issue.

And now the anti-piracy law comes into force. Today, we live in an online reality where every user became an information middleman and any page can be shut down for posting a link on the pirated content, a statement by said.

Meanwhile, the countrys most visited websites Yandex and Rambler search engines, Russian versions of Google, Livejournal and Wikipedia as well as the largest social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki ignored the strike, leaving the anti-piracy law without a comment.

The fresh anti-piracy law faced a lot of criticism when it was developed and discussed by legislators. The critics noted that it was strange that it only protected movies and TV series and that out-of court blocking can be easily used for unfair competition and even political censorship.

The unregistered Pirate Party of Russia recently held a street rally against the law and called upon its supporters to reply with a Black August not go to the movies and not buy any legal content for a month.

The Roskomsvoboda (Russian Freedom Committee) website has claimed that it had collected 100,000 signatures in favor of repealing the law.

This would allow the petition to become a legislative initiative that should be duly considered by the parliament, but only if the signatures were collected through a specially designed web-site Russian Public Initiative (ROI.Ru).

A similar petition posted on the site gathered over 67,000 signatures in less than a month but is still short from the required 100,000 figure.

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Italy on the Brink of Depres­sione!

From the August Forecast, I learn that yet another technocrat is pushing the people down, enslaving them further to the globalist bankers. It is a crime Yehovah may hold them accountable for.

Depres­sione: Italy on the Brink

Gov­ern­ment aus­terity has pre­dictable after-effects, namely, a con­trac­tion of eco­nomic activity. Just ask Greece or Italy. It also has the effect of par­a­lyzing the social and polit­ical arena because trust is chal­lenged on every level.
It’s a Cache 22 sit­u­a­tion though. When gov­ern­ments accu­mu­late so much debt that the market starts to ques­tion their ability to pay it all back, then lenders start demanding pay­ment. That’s not totally unrea­son­able, con­sid­ering that a lender has every right to expect pay­ment from the borrower.
When a gov­ern­ment racks up debt faster than the economy grows, the even­tual cur­tail­ment of all reck­less spending is guaranteed.
By November 2011, Italy’s debt crisis had already grid­locked the polit­ical process. Someone was going to get seri­ously hurt no matter which way they turned. If they defaulted on debts, then investors would be burned. If they raised taxes, then cit­i­zens would be burned. If they tried to shrink the size of gov­ern­ment, the economy would con­tract and everyone would get burned.
It’s tempting to say “What a mess they had made of their national affairs” except that America has done exactly the same thing. The U.S. is on the same track, just a few miles behind.
When it became obvious that Italian politi­cians could not move for­ward with any solu­tion, the lenders stepped in and took over gov­ern­ment operation.
This is how and why Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sioner Mario Monti came to be appointed (not elected) as Prime Min­ister of Italy. He was widely hailed as a tech­no­crat, in the sense of “rule by expert” vs. demo­c­ra­t­i­cally elected gov­ern­ment. According to BBC News at the time,
Mario Monti has been asked to form a new Italian gov­ern­ment to tackle an acute debt crisis which prompted the res­ig­na­tion of Silvio Berlus­coni. Mr Monti, an ex-EU com­mis­sioner, said he was starting urgent talks on his cab­inet, aiming to restore finances.

Read on... Findings & Forecasts 03/13/2013